“My Children, our love should not just be words and talk, it must be true love, which shows itself in action.”

1 John 3:18

About Us

Gillian Lynn

Gillian Lynn

Interim Moderator





Marlane Cash

Marlane Cash

Lay Reader

Kirkcolm Parish is under the Guardianship of the local Presbytery.  The oversight of the parish ministry falls to the Interim Moderator, who is appointed by Presbytery.

Gillian Lynn is our Interim Moderator. Gillian hails from nearby Sandhead, where she is Session Clerk, as well as a long-serving Elder; and is dedicated to the ongoing running of the Churches  in Kirkcolm and Leswalt.

Gillian can be contacted at  [email protected]

We have now been joined by our new Locum, Mrs Marlane Cash.

Marlane has served as a Lay Reader in several parishes in Wigtownshire, and we are delighted to have her leadership and guidance in Ervie-Kirkcolm and Leswalt Churches.

Marlane can be contacted via the above Moderator email address.


Church Elders are called to offer their service and skills by giving examples of discipleship – through pastoral care, outreach, leadership, and administrative roles.

Our current Elders are:

  • Mr Ian Agnew
  • Mrs Lesley Allen
  • Mr Angus Carrick-Buchanan
  • Mrs Jennifer Comery
  • Mr Graham Comery
  • Mr David McCrone
  • Mrs Jean McKeown
  • Mrs Nancy Stewart

Elders Emeriti:

  • Mr Ivor Adams
  • Mrs Mary Milroy
  • Mr Ian Niven

Office Bearers

Session Clerk

Mrs Jennifer Comery


Mrs Jennifer Grover

Church Officer

Mrs Christine Johnstone

Interim Moderator

Mrs Gillian Lynn

Safeguarding Officer

Mrs Yvonne Downie

Fabric Convenors

Mr Ivor Adams and Mr Angus Carrick-Buchanan

Sunrays Coordinator

Mrs Alison McAuley

Gift Aid Convenor


Presbytery Elder


For all general enquiries please use the form to send us a message, or contact our Interim Moderator by emailing [email protected]

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