Built in 1824, standing strong in 2024:  200 years of Village Worship, built on 2000 years of Christian Faith

Ervie-Kirkcolm Church

Church Road, Kirkcolm, Stranraer, DG9 0NW   |   Registered Charity No: SC003122

Celebrating 200 years!

Party sparklers

2024 marks the completion of the building of the “new” church in Kirkcolm.

Stones alone do not make a church – and this was beautifully demonstrated over the weekend of 6th – 8th September, when past and present members of the church and wider community came together in a wonderful time of celebration.

Inspiring stories of the life of the church in our village dominated, but there were festivities, too – with music and dancing at the Ceilidh, reminiscence and refreshments at the church exhibition on the Saturday, and a crowded church on the Sunday for a  special thanksgiving service.

Many people worked hard to make the weekend a success – and many people travelled from far away to renew their ties with Kirkcolm.

Our grateful thanks go to all who helped the “200 Celebrations” to be such a success – but we also remember the strength of faith in our village that has kept the church alive and serving in this community for many generations and, God Willing, will continue to be a presence in Kirkcolm for many more generations to come.

Praise and Thanks to the Lord who makes all things possible! Amen.