Thought for November 2024

woman holding seedling

Endings and Beginnings

We come to the final calendar month of the church year. And what a year it has been for Kirkcolm Church this year, with the welcome arrival of our Locum, Marlane, and the wonderful anniversary celebrations for the Church building, which reached its 200th year of worship.
As is so often the case, when we come to the end of one phase, and prepare to enter the next, we look backwards as well as forwards, and acknowledge what has come to an end, as well as what is to look ahead towards in the months to come. The cycles of the seasons, the birth of new life and the passing of those who reached their final Amen, these are rhythms we feel and understand.
But there was one who broke the rules. Smashed them! One who brought an end to death itself through His resurrection. The Psalmist David said
“You will not abandon me to the grave . . . You have made known to me the path of Life” Psalm 16
When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we ask for the coming of the New Kingdom – for God to be on Earth with us, as is foretold by Christ in the Gospels. In John’s vision, recounted in Revelation, God Himself said “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.” Revelation 21:6
The cycle of endings and beginnings is broken, and there is no more mourning or tears, for the old order will pass away. In order for all things to be accomplished, we must do as Jesus instructed us:
“Remain in me.” “Love each other.” “Testify of my love.” (found in John 15)
We cannot know God’s purpose, what the future holds for ourselves and the Church in Kirkcolm. We cannot foretell when we will be called into God’s presence. But as we prepare to start anew in the lectionary year, what better time is there to contemplate our progress in our own Christian journey?
This is the time when we should turn our gaze from our past, seeking to let go of all that wearies us, and look ahead with hope and joy to the future. Let us ask God to guide our footsteps, so that we can echo the final words of King David, and be able to say, “Is not my house right with God?” 2 Samuel 23:5

“Omega and Alpha He! Let the organ thunder,
While we sing our songs of glee, and rend the air asunder!”