Hymn for November 2024

Candle behind bible and heart
Our Hymn for November is What Kind of Love is this?

What kind of love is this,
That gave itself for me?
I am the guilty one,
Yet I go free.
What kind of love is this?
A love I’ve never known.
I didn’t even know His name,
What kind of love is this?

What kind of man is this,
That died in agony?
He who has done no wrong
Was crucified for me.
What kind of man is this,
Who laid aside His throne
That I may know the love of God?
What kind of man is this?

By grace I have been saved,
It is the gift of God.
He destined me to be His son,
Such is His love.
No eye as ever seen,
No ear has ever heard,
Nor has the heart of man conceived,
What kind of love is this?

Written by Sally and Bryn Haworth



Heart drawn in sand