Built in 1824, standing strong in 2024:  200 years of Village Worship, built on 2000 years of Christian Faith

Ervie-Kirkcolm Church

Church Road, Kirkcolm, Stranraer, DG9 0NW   |   Registered Charity No: SC003122

Thought for November 2023

People Standing in worship

Come and Worship!

Do you have an expectation, maybe built on tradition, of what Worship should be? Do you ever come away from a worship gathering feeling a bit restless, flat, or even bewildered?
How would you like to feel during and after Worship?
Here are just a few of the possible emotions and states of mind that we might expect:
A tall order for a church service that normally takes around 45 minutes a week!!
And yet, how easily God can accomplish all this, and more. He is ready to meet all your needs at every single moment of each, and every, day. If worship ever seems unfulfilling, then perhaps it is because we come in with our own needs and expectations; rather than an openness to God’s will and a desire to praise Him.
While we can, and should, accomplish much in personal prayer and the reading of Scripture, there is a necessity to come together in fellowship, too. Setting aside a time to gather with others, to praise and petition God, and listen to His Word, is a reminder that we are never alone in our daily struggles and fears.
By demarking a “special” time, we separate ourselves from the humdrum, quieten our busy minds, and focus on God alone. We remind ourselves of God’s commitment to us, by offering our commitment to Him, in return. We listen to His voice, without distractions, to ensure that His Will is done. We raise our voices in songs and psalms and prayers to a God who listens to us, and we sit in silence to open our hearts and minds to listen in return to His Divine Will. By coming together to Worship God, we strengthen each other in our church communities, as well.

“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” Matthew 4:4

Worship is sustenance for our souls. Worship is thanksgiving to our Creator. Worship is affirmation of our trust in His promises to us. Nothing we do is more powerful or more life-changing than praising God in the presence of fellow Christians, as we come together as one Church.
So, open yourself up to new possibilities. Share with others your willingness to be part of something bigger. Come to Worship with eager ears, innocent eyes, a wondrous heart, and love for your neighbours.

“So, there is no division in the body, but all its different parts have the same concern for one another. If one part of the body suffers, all the other parts suffer with it; if one part is praised, all the other parts share its happiness. All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is a part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:25-27

Let us pray:

We set aside our differences: We come to Worship
Bringing our cares and our joys: We come to Worship
Needing Your Healing Hands: We come to Worship
With faith in Your mercy: We come to Worship
Almighty God, King of Kings, Creator of All: We come to Worship You.